When trying to take on any CIS claims and refunds, you likely found that getting back what you are due and owed is a lot harder than it might seem. With ASK Accountants, though, such problems can be left behind. We have the knowledge and expertise to help you to take away the frustration and stress of trying to completing your CIS tax returns while making sure that everything that you are owed is paid to you in kind.
If you are part of the Construction Industry Scheme (CIS) then you will understand that there are some extra hurdles to clear before you can complete any kind of self-assessment. It also means, though, that you have to do a bit more work to get those claims and refunds put through in a way that is acceptable to the government.
In a bid to help you out with that, we have a specialist team of experts who handle CIS claims and funds with you. This allows you to find a proven solution that can help to get rid of the frustration in getting the refunds that you are due.
You could, of course, also want to use our service as you fear to get something wrong. Incorrect CIS information can leave you with major penalties that you do not have to pay, or it can leave you accidentally making claims that will cause you undue stress.
To help avoid this problem, you simply need to get in touch with our team. We can take a look at our service to help correct even the slightest of problems. We’ll help you fill out the return and ensure that you have the right information on every single section along the way.
When used correctly, this can make a huge difference to what you owe and what you get back. For any problems with CIS claims and refunds, simply contact our team. We’ll arrange a full consultation with you to solve the problem and get you back on the right path to progress right away.